Ionis Education Group

The IONIS Education Group in France has been running over 50 blogs on their Movable Type installation for years.  When this installation needed to be upgraded from Movable Type 4.x to Movable Type 5.x, was called in to do the job.
IONIS Education Group is the leading private higher education group in France. With 17,000 students and more than 60,000 alumni currently working in business, IT, aviation, energy, transportation, biology, management, finance, marketing, communication, and design, their 20 schools have embraced a common vision to provide a new corporate intelligence.

With such a wide-ranging set of activities and sub-organisations, IONIS was running multiple blogs on multiple domain names from their central Movable Type installation, including their company blog IONIS Online, the blog of e-artsup, school of digital creation,  the blog of IPSA, school of engineering in aerospace and the blog Studyvores, Food Academy for students.

Since Movable Type 5 introduced the additional 'website' layer to the hierarchy of blogs, this required a certain inernal reorganisation of the various blogs so they would be properly grouped under the correct domain names. took care of this, along with making sure all plugins installed on the old Movable Type 4 installation were either compatible with Movable Type 5, upgraded to work with it or replaced by alternative solutions.

All of this was first tested on a separate installation before being deployed to the production website.  Since the migration, has been regularily updating the installation to keep up with the latest releases, with a minimum of impact on the users.

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